martes, 31 de julio de 2012

El Gato - New Private Conservation Area in Tambopata

In Tambopata, the efforts of its people to preserve the environment are proving successful. There is great news for the local ecotourism initiatives. To those already recognized Private Conservation Areas (PCA), K'erenda Homet and La Habana Rural Inn, joins El Gato, in the community of Baltimore, 4 hours upriver on the Tambopata. The Environment Ministry granted recognition to the Ramirez family area in order to conserve the biodiversity of its natural resources. With El Gato, 3 PCA’s exist now in the Buffer Zone of the Tambopata National Reserve, and more are expected to be officially recognized in the coming years.

El Gato is characterized by the great preservation of its forests, and it is one of the best places in the area for wildlife watching. It is located next to the creek El Gato, which gives its name to the land of the Ramirez family. They receive visitors as if they were part of their family, and invite them to join their daily activities, like fishing in the creek, walking the forest trails, canoeing in the river or in the creek, looking for caimans at night, visiting their neighbors, and more.

The recognition of their land as a PCA is a reward for the effort made by the Ramirez family in the management of El Gato, and is expected to serve as an example for other ecotourism initiatives and also to attract more local people to Tambopata Ecotours.

The alternative of sustainable tourism as an economic activity is growing increasingly in Tambopata, due to its success. More and more local people realize the social and environmental damages that produce activities such as mining and timber extraction, which in most cases, leave very low wages. However, ecotourism can conserve natural resources generating greater incomes as long as there is an effort to provide a good service to visitors.  As long as the number of local ecotourism initiatives increase, there are more opportunities for sustainable development for local communities and for the conservation of the Amazon Rainforest.

Congratulations to El Gato!

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