jueves, 9 de agosto de 2012

From Cuzco to Tambopata by road

If you want to make a trip from Cuzco to the rainforest of Madre de Dios, flying to Puerto Maldonado is not the only way to make it. To make the journey an adventure and an attraction itself, the option is traveling by road. It is an 8 hours trip that goes through the Interoceánica Highway, which crosses three different ecosystems: highlands, cloud forest and rainforest.
During the way, it is possible to see how the cultural diversity turns into biodiversity, as the highway descends from the Andes into the Amazon. In other words, the way ecosystems change along the road is a spectacle itself that combines nature and culture.
There are also many attractions along the way, like the Ausangate mountain, the highest of Cuzco and one of the highest and most sacred mountains of Peru. Having lunch in front of it in El Mirador de Cuyuni’s restaurant is a unique privilege.
There is also a very interesting town called Tinque, where local people receive visitors and show them their culture and traditional activities. Other activities near to the road are trekking, camping, handcraft works, birdwatching, biking and rafting. There are lots of lagoons, rivers, woods, thermal baths and much more.
For local food lovers, there is a good restaurant before Puerto Maldonado owned by the Mendez Family. They also offer other natural products and a hike through their forest.
For adventurers and culture and nature lovers who want to make a trip to the rainforest of Tambopata from Cuzco, the Interoceánica Highway is a great opportunity for an amazing travel experience.

For more information, visit www.tambopataecotours.com

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